Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business in 2024

Social media has changed dramatically in such a short amount of time. Remember when Facebook was an innocent little platform where people would talk about their breakfasts and how they just got home from taking their dogs for a walk? Remember when MySpace was at the height of its fame? Now we’re in a whole new world and the rules of social media engagement have changed, especially for businesses.

In this digital age, businesses finally get the memo: a killer social media presence is a must. With countless active users and potential customers on various platforms, it’s time to level up that marketing game. No more FOMO. But there are loads of different platforms – are you expected to spend hours each day raising your profile on each? Of course not.

Remember that social media and SEO are similar in many ways. The benefits of keyword research are evident here too. What’s the keyword strategy for SEO in 2024? What’s the keyword research strategy for social media in 2024? Contact digital marketing pros to optimize the whole plan.


In recent years, Instagram has transformed into the ultimate business playground. With its captivating design and an army of active users, it’s the perfect stage to flaunt your offerings, mingle with your audience, and charm potential customers. And hey, let’s not forget the hashtag game that makes your business pop. With shoppable posts and Instagram stories, businesses now have a bag of tricks to showcase their goodies. It’s time to shine, friend. You can create an account, start uploading images, and gain followers on day zero. Imagine this.


Go back ten years and you’ll find all sorts of articles that Facebook was about to crumble and that people were about to stop using it. We’re now in 2024 and it hasn’t gone anywhere yet. Contrary to all the naysayers, Facebook continues to reign as the reigning champ of social media in 2024. With a whopping 2 billion active users globally, it’s a goldmine for businesses seeking a massive customer base. Plus, its targeted advertising and handy business tools like Facebook Pages and Messenger make it a savvy way for businesses to connect and promote their goodies to the world. Don’t underestimate the power of the ‘Book.

Who doesn’t love Facebook when most people have a profile which allows people of all age groups to discover your brand, comment on posts, message with questions, and more?


People love watching videos – go to any form of public transport or waiting room and you’ll see videos playing everywhere. With over 2 billion active users, YouTube offers businesses a huge potential reach. YouTube is considered the second-largest search engine on the internet and you have a chance to answer the questions of consumers and raise your profile. You can whip up some captivating video content to flaunt your products or services, spill the beans with tutorials or behind-the-scenes footage, and even team up with other businesses or influencers. And hey, with YouTube’s advertising options and monetization features, it can also be a nifty moneymaker for businesses. Get your groove on, folks.

We could talk about every platform in this guide, but the aim is to find the one that contains your audience and meets your needs. Don’t be afraid to contact Social Media Advertising Services for help and don’t forget the keyword research benefits for your whole strategy!