How to Add Someone to Google Ads Manager

Are you a business owner looking to expand your digital marketing? You might wonder how to add someone to Google Ads Manager. Whether a colleague or a professional specializing in Pay Per Click Services. Enabling others in your team with the right access to your Ads Manager account is not merely a step-by-step technical process but a strategic decision with the potential to drive significant growth.

Let’s consider why you’d want to add a user to Google Ads and then how to add someone to a Google Ads account. 

The Strategic Layer of Access Management

At the heart of Ads Manager lies the access and permissions system. Thoughtfully navigating this web can result in the smooth running of your campaigns, enhanced collaboration, and better utilization of individual skills.

Empowering your team with access to Google Ads Manager is a pivotal strategic move. It goes beyond the mechanical Google Ads ‘add user’ click; it’s about recognizing the talent within your team, understanding their roles, and aligning permissions to match their responsibilities. When you add someone to your Ads Manager, you’re not just granting account entry; you’re giving someone the ability to influence your company’s digital voice and, if left unmanaged, can potentially tarnish your brand’s online reputation.

For startups, this is especially crucial, as early missteps can lead to costly ad spends with subpar results. New businesses often have limited resources, making every advertising penny count. Hence, ensuring that only the right people have the right access to Ads Manager is non-negotiable. The right individual, with appropriate permissions, can mean the difference between a well-optimized, high-converting campaign and a budget-drainer. Consequently, you’ll want to add a manager to a Google Ads account with purpose, not on a whim. 

Understanding Roles and Permissions

Before you even think about navigating the interface to add someone to your Ads Manager, it’s vital to understand the different Google Ads access levels. Within the platform, you have ‘admin,’ ‘standard,’ ‘read-only’, and ’email-only’ roles, each best suited for specific tasks and team members.

An admin holds the keys to the kingdom – full control over everything in the account. This role is usually reserved for business owners or high-level digital marketing professionals. The standard user can make changes to an account, but their edits must be reviewed and published by an admin. A ‘read-only’ user can view without making any changes, often an appropriate level for stakeholders who simply need to keep an eye on performance. Finally, the ’email-only’ is for those outside the organization, perhaps your agency or a contracted consultant, and allows them limited visibility to support your campaigns.

The Tactical Process of Adding a User

The technical process of adding users to Google Ads Manager is straightforward. In the interface, you’ll head to ‘Account Access’ under ‘Tools & Settings’ and click ‘Users.’ From here, you can enter the user’s email address and select their role. It’s imperative you double-check this step. Assigning the wrong role can lead to inefficiencies or worse – unchecked edits that may not align with your marketing strategy.

Strategically using the platform to control who does what and how within your digital advertising ecosystem is an art as much as it is a science. It requires a deep understanding of your team’s capabilities and aligning those strengths with your business goals. By treating access management as a strategic lever, you maximize the potential of your digital marketing campaigns and set the stage for sustainable growth.