5 Tips on How to Optimize Your Digital Advertising ROI

Between 70% and 80% of people totally ignore paid ads.

Companies spend massive amounts of money on these advertisements only to have them completely overlooked. So if paid ads aren’t working, how else can you try to increase your digital advertising return on investment (ROI)?

With all of the different digital advertising solutions available, it can be overwhelming to try and find the right one for your company. But, with a few tried and true tips, you will be on your way to increasing your ROI and decreasing your stress.

Keep reading to learn more.

1. Set Clear Goals

To be successful in anything you need to have clear goals. Digital advertising is no exception. You need to set both overarching goals for your entire digital advertising department and for each individual campaign.

When you know what your big goals are, you can design campaigns that fit into those and help to reach them. When setting these goals be sure to consider if they’re realistic or not because nothing is more demoralizing than not meeting your goals. Also, be sure to define what a successful outcome looks like. If you don’t know what success looks like, it becomes much harder to obtain.

Keep these goals in mind at every step of the advertising process, from creation to implementation to assessing the results. If you lose track of these goals you could be wasting time and money on advertising efforts that aren’t actually effective.

2. Know Your Brand

Having a recognizable brand is one of the biggest ways to get more people to pay attention to your ads. By including your brand in every part of your advertisements you will grab more attention, which can lead to more sales and therefore a higher ROI.

If you don’t already know the details of your company’s brand, now is the time to develop it. Figuring this out and utilizing it properly is a low-cost way to really boost your ROI.

When people immediately recognize your brand they are more likely to trust it. When customers trust your company not only will more people buy, but they will also be willing to pay more due to the higher perceived value.

3. Use SEO

Running well-designed ad campaigns won’t have the desired impact on your ROI if no one actually sees them to then buy from your company. Work on implementing search engine optimization (SEO) practices to increase your ranking on search engines in order to get your content in front of more people.

You can use SEO to improve the rankings of all pages on your website. This includes your digital video advertising, written content, landing pages, anything.

Google is the main way people find leads for the things they want to buy these days, so ranking higher on Google and other search engines is massively helpful. This can help you to reach more people and can also help to position your company as an industry expert.

4. Make All Of Your Content Valuable

All of the types of digital advertising you put out as a part of your strategy need to be valuable to your ideal customer in some way. This includes promotional videos, blog posts, infographics, or email marketing.

All of these pieces of content need to be created with your ideal customer in mind. If you don’t already have an ideal customer persona figured out, it is critical that you figure this out now.

By knowing exactly who you’re trying to talk to and persuade to be a customer, you will be able to craft material that is more relevant and valuable to those people. Even when the content is an ad for your product or service, be sure to put it in terms of how it helps them or how it could make their lives easier.

With so much content and so many ads out there these days constantly bombarding consumers, you have to do what you can to set your company apart. So don’t waste time and money on ads that aren’t targeted at the right people, focus on the people who are already likely to buy.

5. Take Advantage of Data

Through the day-to-day operations of your business, you will likely collect a fair amount of data. Use it.

Data is your greatest tool for improving your advertising ROI because it can tell a clear story about what is and isn’t working. Data can point you towards areas where you have the opportunity to improve which is a great way to boost ROI without using a lot of extra time or money.

If you notice a certain type of content or advertisement that is not converting to many sales, that is a sign that either you need to adjust that ad, or that you could consider scrapping it altogether and putting those resources towards something else.

Using data to better understand your target market can help you to better customize and target your ads. You can also get even more data by running A/B tests for different versions of an ad.

Outside of quantitative data, you should also be collecting customer feedback about their experience. Listen to this feedback. If there is an issue somewhere in the user experience of your website or sales funnel, then you could be losing customers who give up when they run into these issues.

If you can improve and optimize the user experience you can potentially gain even more sales, which helps your ROI.

Increase Your Digital Advertising ROI Today

Trying to improve your digital advertising efforts doesn’t have to be such a headache. By using these tips you can work towards boosting your digital advertising ROI and taking your business to the next level.

If you’d like to work with professionals who are well versed in the digital advertising space, reach out to us today!