Native Ads vs Display Ads: Where Should I Invest My Ad Spend?

A whopping 95% of American adults use the internet. This makes digital ads a no-brainer for reaching a massive audience and supercharging your marketing efforts. However, not all online advertising is created equal.

You have two main weapons in your arsenal: using native ads or display ads.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each approach is crucial for maximizing returns on your ad spend. This guide dives into the world of native ads vs display ads so you can choose the best option for your specific business goals.

What Is Native Advertising?

Native advertising is a form of online marketing where the ads are designed to look and feel like the natural content of the platform they appear on.

Unlike traditional banner ads that scream “advertisement,” native ads are disguised as organic content. This fosters a more positive user experience and increases the chances of users paying attention to your message.

Types of Native Advertising

There are several ways to leverage native ads in your marketing strategy. Here are some popular formats:

Sponsored Content

This involves creating high-quality content relevant to your target audience’s interests. These include articles, infographics, or videos.

You can then partner with relevant websites or publications to feature this content as sponsored posts. This lets you showcase your brand and value proposition while informing and engaging potential customers.

In-Feed Ads

These ads appear within the user’s feed on social media platforms or news websites. They’re designed to match the look and feel of the native content, ensuring a smooth user experience.

The key here is to craft compelling headlines and visuals that entice users to stop scrolling and click on your ad.

Promoted Listings

This type of native advertising is particularly effective for building trust with e-commerce customers. You can promote your products within search engine results pages (SERPs) or on online marketplaces.

Use relevant keywords and captivating product descriptions to catch users at a moment of high purchase intent.

Branded Content in Search Results

Some search engines let you advertise directly in their search results. This could be through sponsored bits of text or info boxes that show up when people search for terms in your field.

Leveraging this type of native advertising ensures your brand is visible in a highly competitive space. It helps capture user interest at a critical decision-making point.

Benefits and Challenges of Native Advertising

Native ads can boost your online marketing efforts in a big way. Here’s a look at the main advantages they offer:

Increased User Engagement

Native ads are less disruptive than traditional banner ads. This leads to higher click-through rates and increased engagement with users.

Enhanced Brand Perception

Native ads can create a more positive brand perception since they blend seamlessly with organic content. Your audience is more likely to view you as a thought leader or a helpful resource rather than just another advertiser.

Improved Targeting

Many native advertising platforms offer sophisticated targeting options. This allows you to reach your ideal customers based on demographics, interests, and online behavior.

Native Advertising Drawbacks

Native advertising has potential drawbacks that should be explored before making ad spending decisions. First off, native ads are subtle. This means they might not generate the same level of immediate brand awareness as traditional display ads.

Secondly, creating high-quality native content can be more time-consuming and expensive to develop than simple banner ads. This can lead to higher development costs.

Moreover, the effectiveness of native ads can be impacted by the specific guidelines and limitations set by the platform you’re using. This means you won’t have total control over the performance of your ad campaign.

What Is Display Advertising?

While native advertising seamlessly integrates into a platform’s content, display advertising takes a more direct approach.

Display ads stand out from the surrounding content, making it clear they are advertisements meant to grab your attention. They’re like the billboards of the digital world, designed to catch your eye as you navigate through websites, apps, and social media.

Types of Display Advertising

Display advertising encompasses various formats, offering a dynamic way to convey your message.

Here’s a scoop on the most common formats:

Banner Ads

These are perhaps the most recognized forms of display advertising. Positioned at the top, bottom, or sides of web pages, they offer a straightforward way to promote your brand or product.

Interstitial Ads

These are full-screen ads appearing between activities or pages, providing a captive audience moment. They’re commonly used in mobile apps or before video content.

Video Ads

These display ads can run before, during, or after video content on platforms like YouTube. They combine visual and auditory elements to tell a story or highlight a product engagingly.

Rich Media Ads

Rich media ads incorporate interactive elements like animations, games, or other engaging features. This encourages users to interact with the content.

Display ads come in all shapes and sizes. This versatility guarantees whatever your campaign’s goals are, there’s a display ad format that can help you achieve them.

Benefits and Challenges of Display Ads

Display ads can benefit your online marketing campaign in many ways. Check out some top advantages of display advertising below:

Broad Reach

Display ads can reach a vast audience across many websites and platforms. This makes them an excellent tool for increasing brand awareness and growing your online presence.

Increased Visual Appeal

With the use of compelling images, animations, or video, display ads tend to be more visually appealing than text-based advertising. This can lead to higher click-through rates.

Advanced Targeting Options

Display advertising platforms offer advanced targeting options, including demographics, interests, and behavior. This means you can tailor your message to the most receptive audience.

Display Advertising Drawbacks

Display advertising has potential challenges too. Firstly, it requires careful placement and monitoring. Your ad appearing on inappropriate or irrelevant sites can harm your brand’s reputation.

Secondly, users can become desensitized to display ads, especially if they see the same ad repeatedly. This can contribute to lower engagement over time.

Also, many people use software that blocks ads. This means a big chunk of your target audience might never even see your display ads. This can hurt your campaign’s success.

Native Ads vs Display Ads: Which Is Better for Your Marketing Needs?

Each online advertising method has its own strengths and can be effective in the right context. So, how do you decide which path to take? Here are some key considerations to help guide your decision.

Understanding Your Audience

First up, who are you trying to reach? Native ads might resonate more with an audience prefering a less intrusive advertising experience. If your target demographic values content that feels organic and relevant, native advertising could be the way to go.

On the flip side, if your goal is to capture attention quickly with visually compelling messages, display ads could be your champion. These ads are particularly effective for broad awareness campaigns, as they allow you to use vibrant images or videos to stand out on a page.

Defining Your Campaign Goals

What’s your marketing goal? If it’s building trust and offering valuable content, then native advertising is your friend. Native ads keep users engaged because they tell your brand story and showcase your expertise.

Display ads work well as part of long-term strategies focused on establishing a connection with your audience.

For more direct response objectives, like driving immediate sales or leads, display ads might be the answer. Their clear call-to-action and visibility can effectively guide users to take the next step. This makes them a powerful tool for conversion-oriented campaigns.

Considering Your Budget

Budget plays a crucial role in your decision-making process. Native advertising often requires a higher investment in content creation and placement. This is because of the need to match the quality and style of the host platform’s content.

If you’re ready to invest in creating high-quality, engaging content, native ads could provide a good return on investment.

Display ads, while potentially less expensive in terms of content creation, may incur costs related to design and media buying. However, with strategic planning and targeting, display campaigns can be scaled to suit a range of budgets. This offers flexibility and control over your advertising costs.

Measuring Success

Tracking a winning campaign can be tricky with native ads. They focus on content, not just clicks.

Forget counting clicks or impressions. Instead, look at how long people spend with your ad or how many times they share it. These signs show your ad is grabbing attention.

Display ads, on the other hand, offer clear metrics for immediate actions taken. This makes it easier to analyze their direct response performance.

Maximize Your Ad Spend With the Right Online Advertising Methods

The debate between native ads vs display ads is a hot topic in today’s digital marketing world. But here’s the thing. It’s not about which one is better overall, but which one is better for your specific marketing needs.

At Trigger Digital, we offer a range of digital marketing services to help businesses increase their online presence and user engagement. As a conversion-driven advertising agency, we can put your message to the right audience by targeting areas with relevance to you.

Ready to supercharge your advertising campaign? Get in touch with us today to discuss how we can help.