8 Ways a Social Media Campaign Can Drastically Boost Brand Awareness

Brand awareness and branding, in general, are now more important than ever. Branding allows people to get to know the “you” of your brand.

Social media allows your company to develop relationships with your potential clients. You don’t need to win over everyone, but when you use social media campaigns properly, you can grow your brand awareness and grow your results.

Continue reading this article to learn the benefits of social media marketing for your company.

The True Benefits of a Social Media Campaign

Once your company starts marketing via social media, you won’t turn back. Your campaign has the opportunity to go viral and get more eyeballs than you ever could imagine.

1. People Recognize Your Brand

When you use social media, you often get in front of the same people. When your company keeps showing up in people’s feeds, you get attention. The more attention you get, the more people will recognize your brand.

When people recognize your brand, they are more likely to buy from you. People like to buy from brand names they know because there is a level of trust when people have seen your brand repeatedly.

2. Learn More About Your Customers

When you learn more about your customers through social media, you can boost brand awareness by interacting with things that interest them. If you’re a dog food company and you learn that many of your customers love a certain breed of dogs, you can interact on those social media posts.

The more creative ways you find to get in front of your customers and the more you learn about them through social media, the more brand awareness you’ll get.

3. Increase Inbound Web Traffic

You know the importance of digital marketing, but it can be difficult to increase your web traffic. Social media is a great way to get the attention and awareness you want for your brand, but an added bonus is that your inbound web traffic will reinforce brand awareness.

People will remember your brand more when they visit your website vs. just seeing your brand on social media. When you increase web traffic through social media, you also have the opportunity to capture those emails so you can remarket to the people that visited your website.

4. Lower Marketing Cost

When you use social media and create a relationship with your customers, it can lower your marketing costs. When you have lower marketing costs, you can market to more people for the same amount of money you have budgeted for social media marketing.

Lower marketing costs help you across the board and make it easier for you to get the word out, brand build awareness, and gain momentum.

5. Raises Brand Authority

Social media can help you gain brand authority when you put out helpful content and social media. While not all companies are using their authority to increase brand awareness, if you learn how to leverage your authority to turn it into attention, your brand can explode.

Use social media to get a buzz around your brand. Once you have a buzz around your brand, get out in front of as many people as possible. Talk to news venues about giving a quote to help with a story to get more attention.

There are plenty of ways you can gain exposure when you’re a brand authority. Speaking gigs, online events, video promotions, courses and more can give your company the brand awareness you want, and it all stems from social media.

6. Higher Conversion Rates

Getting higher conversion rates is always something people want, but it isn’t always something that is easy to get. Social media can help you increase your conversions by building relationships with your customers.

A simple hello and taking time out to say something to your audience can make their day. The more you work on your conversion rates, the more you’ll be able to market and build brand awareness for further reach.

7. More Conversion Opportunities

Beyond a higher conversion rate, social media gives you more conversion opportunities. As your brand gains traction on social media, you’ll see people seeking out your brand. You may start to get direct messages from some of the people that follow you online.

Each of these conversations with your brand is an added conversion opportunity. The more conversions your company gets, the more raving fan customers you are able to create. The more raving fan customers you have, the more people will learn about you through social media.

8. Increases SEO Power

Social media is one of the signals the search engines use to determine how helpful content is. Ask for social shares to get more attention and build brand awareness, but it goes even further.

When people share your content, it gets attention, and people notice your brand, but it also helps with SEO. When your brand starts to show up in the search terms for industry news, product searches and more, your brand awareness will hit a whole new level.

Being ranked organically in the search engines is powerful and one of the important parts of a digital marketing campaign. If you leave out social media when you’re trying to rank in the search engines, it can take a much longer time than necessary.

Successfully Using Social Media

successful social media campaign is all about engaging with your audience and providing the next level of relationship. People want to know your company so when they shop with you, they feel like they’re spending money with someone they know and like.

Don’t Go It Alone

If the idea of creating a full-on social media campaign overwhelms you, you are not alone. Many small to medium size businesses shy away from using social media to promote their businesses because of experiencing overwhelm.

The good news is that we are here to help you with all of your social media needs. If you’re interested in working together, contact us today and let us show you how we can help you through the process.

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