7 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Dominate in 2022

Did you know that 71% of consumers took a new interest in online activities in 2020? That number has climbed year over year.

Digital marketing is more important than ever. It is a constantly evolving industry, which means that it’s important to stay on top of marketing trends. This article will give you an overview of what these trends are and how they can help your business grow online.

Read this article now for more information about each trend!

7. Live Video

Live video is a growing trend that shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

People love being able to watch live events as they happen, and sharing these moments on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites brings people together in a way that blog posts and articles just can’t.

Vimeo recently released a case study on how they’ve increased engagement by over 600% with live video.

It’s important to remember that not all live videos are the same. You need to create high-quality content that people will want to watch and share right away.

You can use live video for everything from tutorials to interviews, product announcements, Q&A sessions, events, and more.

Be sure to keep the following in mind when you’re planning your live video strategy:

  • Study what type of live videos drive results for your business

  • Commit to a schedule that works with your needs

  • Promote your live videos on all channels before they happen, encourage your audience to show up and interact

6. Personalized Video Content Is Key!

This isn’t exactly a new trend, but one thing has become clear over the past couple of years: People love watching personalized videos that speak directly to them.

This is a great opportunity to use video and create custom content that you know your audience will love! There are many different ways you can do this, but the most popular method is by using an explainer video.

Whether it’s a company-wide update or just an update on your latest product, personalized videos are an effective way to boost engagement and keep your audiences more informed.

If you don’t have time to create a video from scratch, there are other ways you can personalize existing videos so that they speak directly to your audience:

  • Include calls-to-action that mention each viewer by name

  • Use images of your most engaged users

  • Showcase user testimonials or reviews

  • Mention how others can achieve the same results as they do

5. Transparency

Your audiences are more informed than ever, and they’re expecting businesses to be open about who they are and what they believe in.

Is your company transparent? This is one of the biggest questions you’ll need to answer when it comes to digital marketing strategy in 2018.

People want information that’s relevant to them, and they want to know that you’re being authentic. If you believe in something, share it! The more transparent your company is, the better your marketing campaigns will perform.

4. Use Social Proof to Showcase Your Results

As we mentioned before, people love watching videos that feature real people and results they can relate to. This is why social proof is a crucial part of any video marketing strategy.

You can do this by using quotes from happy customers or even showcase some of the amazing results they’ve been able to achieve since using your product/service.

Now, not everyone is going to have testimonials from celebrities, but there are plenty of other ways you can use social proof that will impress your audience:

  • Include photos of your happy customers

  • Feature images that show off the results of your product/service

  • Mention how many people are currently using your service

3. You Need Great Storytelling Skills

One of the top marketing trends in 2022 is storytelling. It doesn’t matter whether you do it through video, writing, or any other medium; storytelling is something that will help you connect with your audience much faster.

The best way to learn how to tell stories is by reading books on the topic. The more you read and practice, the better at storytelling, you’ll become!

While this isn’t a new trend, it’s something that will continue to grow in 2022. With Instagram now allowing longer videos and Snapchat introducing stories, there are more opportunities than ever for businesses to tell engaging stories.

2. Embrace Influencer Marketing Strategies

We’ve been talking about how important it is to have a good network of influencers, so now might be a great time to start looking into doing more campaigns that revolve around influencers!

Influencer marketing is an incredible way to gain exposure, connect with new audiences, and build trust with your current customers.

What makes influencer marketing different from other types of online advertising strategies is that you’re getting advice and recommendations from a trusted source. While you might not have a huge number of followers, these influencers can help you gain exposure and build your business all the same.

1. Content Marketing Must be a Priority for Your Business

While content marketing is one of the oldest tactics in the book, it continues to remain one of the most effective digital media strategies. Whether you’re taking on influencer marketing or trying any other type of online advertising strategy, content marketing is an essential part of every campaign.

With all the different types of content marketing, it’s important to have a good focus. Too many companies are trying to become all things to all people, but this isn’t the best path forward.

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in; content marketing should always be a priority for your business. Whether it’s through video, podcasts, or even blogging, create great content that will help your audience learn more about the world of your business!

Dominate Digital Marketing Trends in 2022

Using these marketing trends, your business can gain a lot of momentum in 2022.

The more effective your strategy, the easier it will be to climb up the search engine rankings and stay ahead of your competitors. If you can provide something that no one else is providing, then you’ll have a good chance at success!

Contact us to help you get started! Our team at Trigger Digital is excited to help your business reach the next level.